Planetary Aspects and the Behaviour of Human Beings


Brian Thomas Johnston

For Many years I studied the relationship between seismic activity and the positions of the planets. By the process of falsification I tested every horoscopic factor that is normally used by astrologers and the only significant factor I found was that the closest aspect in orb, that is from the perfect angle between planets, would be applying. The aspect whose geometric relationship between planets was reducing in angle, rather than geometrically increasing. I have tested people several times for these same responses and had positive results. This encouraged me to test further. I used the Astrodatabank to select the charts of five different keywords. Scientist,  beauty, boxer and politician. I associated Mercury with Scientist, Venus with beauty, Mars with boxer, Jupiter with politician and Saturn with scientist. I divided the study into two parts, the first being for boxers and politicians with 33 individuals for each. The second ws for beauty and scientist. Scientist was first associated with Saturn as the closest aspect and secondly with Mercury as the closest aspect. These second set of test had 41 individuals each. The same group of scientists were chosen for both Saturn and Mercury. The aspects were all degrees divisible by 15. All individuals selected were the first series of individuals that the search engine provided and so, completely random. The random series were made by taking the theoretical probability of 0.20 plus one. This provides a very high probability matrix than if the random series were selected from the Astrodatabank database which would produce the theoretical value if the sample size was large enough, but would be unstable at these small values.

The selection of beauty culled people ranging from beauty queens to critics and fashion designers. The Scientists data was the least reliable as the database included several scientists from the historical framework and the data was somewhat suspect. The rest of the selections were of high reliability with the average Rodden rating of ‘A.’

The results are quite astonishing as all of the associations were above the random with all of the results being statistically significant, except for Saturn associated with scientist. This only gave a p value of 0.153874, or a confidence level of only 80%. The next was the concept of beauty associated with Venus. The P value was 0.013099, so the confidence level is only 96%, still, very good. Beauty is a very amorphous concept and to find it cosmically associated with Venus is very, very significant. The next significant was boxers associated with Mars. Mars astrologically is associated with aggressive behaviour and there is virtually no other human behaviour more aggressive than boxing. The P value was 0.00511 significant at the 99.48% significance level. Politicians are astrologically associated with Jupiter in this study the P value for Jupiter having the smallest orb was 0.001829 with a confidence level of 99.77%. The highest significance was with the association of Mercury with Scientist. Mercury is associated with the intellect and intelligent and mathematical abilities. All of these qualities are required to be a scientists and even though this was the ‘dirtiest’ data the results were the most significant and clearly illustrates an association between Mercury and Scientists. The P value was 0.001082 significant at the 99.99% confidence level. When we take all of these values together then the theoretical significance is 49,060,813,812 to one odds against chance that the planets are not affecting human behaviour and that the positions of the planets at a person’s birth predict the future behaviour of the individual.

Discussion: The associations between the planets in the various studies are what I have learned over my forty six year study of astrology. I have always associated Saturn with scientists, but this study illustrates that the association is not as strong as the other indicator, Mercury. Mercury’s association with scientists is very powerful and even more significant as the data is the least clean. The fact that beauty is indeed associated with Venus is very revealing about the nature of reality and the universe. It would suggest from this that as I have suspected, beauty is an intrinsic function of the universe. The universe then tends towards beauty and not entropy. Life tends towards more beautiful forms as it evolves. Life itself has been observed to be an-entropic and that life defies the laws of thermodynamics. This study provided a great deal more weight to that argument as beauty is associated as has been suspected for several thousands of years, with Venus. The fact that Mars is associated with Boxers replicates Michel Gauquelin’s finding of sports champions being associated with Mars at critical angles to the meridian and horizon.  Politics has always been associated with Jupiter and Gauquelin also found a very strong association with this type of human behaviour. Gauquelin could find no associations with Mercury and yet it has always been associated in astrology with great minds. It take a very good mind to be a scientist. Even though the association between scientists and Saturn was not significant it was well above the predicted of 9 individuals with 12 being found. To have both indicators that are associated with scientists, Mercury and Saturn at the higher than chance levels found in this study the odds are 6,006 to one against the null hypothesis.

Conclusion: I have always felt that the action of the planets is a part of physics and that our evolution has adapted us to respond to the planetary influences in Darwinian fashion. The species, or individual who can best adapt using the astrological influences is the one to pass on it’s genes to the next generation. This is for the  many talents that may be acquired to be able to fulfill the dynamic of survival of the fittest found by adapting to the astrological functions in nature. My studies of geophysics and solar and planetary dynamics has clearly indicated that major changes in the environment and the solar system are driven by the relationships between the planets. The orbital harmonics rigidly fix the earth in it’s orbits and harmonic perturbations between the planets at times violently shake this world that we live in and bath it with potentially lethal radiation. The species who can best adapt to these influences are the ones that survive. The fifteen degree aspects are the only aspects that work and astrologers must realize this in their work if they want astrology to become what it should be; the most important science in the world. I have used these techniques and found that by virtually eliminating the nature of the aspects from the equation and looking simply at the planets themselves and now they combine as the way that they work. This has cleared up many mysteries in my own and other individuals charts. The closest aspect in orb is probably just about the most dominant feature of the horoscope. My own is Mars and Jupiter, Mars is also associated with engineering and my profession is engineer. I have also been department head which is associated with Jupiter. I personally feel that this study is very good proof in light of all the previous and supporting research that astrology is indeed a science and that it badly needs more scientific research poured into plumbing it’s depths. I was always extremely skeptical of astrology and was ready to leave it at any point if the science denied it’s existence. It does not and in fact in many. Many ways has been shown to strongly support the astrological influences. That being said astrology is in disarray and while it is slowly getting better the vast majority of popular astrology is simply and plainly hogwash. I learned astrology firstly by textbooks and for the greater part by observations and replication of the same. This is how astrology must be approached and astrologers must be willing to adapt, or have this wonderful science and art perish in the future.

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Planetary Aspects and the Behaviour of Human Beings

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